
Taste Flavourings Cambridge icon

The signature flavours of our favourite sweets, treats and chocolate can instantly evoke memories and transport us back to a special time in our lives.

It is not uncommon to make a close association of a particular taste or flavour with an occasion or an event

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It could be a decadent creamy flavoured toffee, a tingling zingy boiled sweet or perhaps a sour fizzy chew that once tantalised the taste buds, and instantly reminds you of your childhood. Sweet flavoured confectionery can be a huge source of happiness and delight, reliably familiar or unexpectedly unusual. It’s not uncommon to make a close association of a particular taste or flavour with a special occasion or an event. Mixed spice and cinnamon with Christmas, chocolate with Easter, for example.

Sweet flavoured confectionery can be a huge source of happiness and delight, reliably familiar or unexpectedly unusual

We understand how important it is for our confectionery customers to retain the exact recipe of their best-selling, most well-established products, and the importance of flavourings in this process. Our high quality flavourings guarantee consistency in the taste of confectionery products, whether the flavours are complex or comfortingly familiar.

We are passionate about developing new and exciting flavours to meet the needs of our customers who aspire to bring new confectionery products to market

We relish the challenge within the wide confectionery category to be continually creative and experimental

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To discuss a new project and ways of working together please contact us