Soups, Sauces & Snacks

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Our expert flavourists love nothing more than to delve into the world of complex flavour combinations, variations and profiles, which lend themselves well to soups and sauces.

Exotic spices, herbs, garlic, ginger, chillies and butter are just some of the flavourings used to enhance soup and sauce products

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Time poor but health and nutrition conscious, consumers continue to drive demand for an increasing array of fresh soups and sauces to fill their fridges with, for the ultimate in convenience. Many of these fresh items need that extra enhancement of natural-inspired flavour to deliver a subtle yet satisfying flavour profile, elevating the taste without excessive salt or fat. Exotic spices, herbs, garlic, ginger, chillies and butter are just some of the flavourings used to enhance soup and sauce products.

We can assist you by providing the insight to enhance and isolate particular flavourings within a recipe

Cooking sauces are loaded with vibrant and robust flavours, offering the consumer the benefit of convenience as well as quality products that would be difficult to replicate at home

Savoury potato, corn and wheat snacks remain a hugely popular food item

As well as familiar flavours such as cheese and onion, sweet chilli and roast beef, we can work with you to come up with brand-new flavours for your savoury snack products. Our high quality, powerful flavours are often only used at a fraction of a percentage, and represent a cost-effective solution for seasonal or regular items on your product range.

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To discuss a new project and ways of working together please contact us